- Record What's Important to You

Record what's important in an apiary.

What is BeeMetrics?

BeeMetrics is a way to quickly record Apiary Notes into a database.

Features Include:

  • Minimal Data Entry
  • Colony Identification & Tracking
  • Enter Notes by Location or Colony
  • Track Colony Losses
  • Grafting Calendar
  • Queen or Colony Rating System
  • Searchable Log
  • Queen Family Tree
  • Print Colony Labels
  • QR Code for Colony Data Entry

Queen Numbering Format

Queens are recorded with a unique Id so all related queens, past and future, can be traced to each other.

20SP-1A01-2A01 - Full Queen Id

20     - Queen Year (2020)
SP     - Hive Family (SP)
1A01 - Parent Queen Id
2A01 - Queen Id

2A01 - Queen Id

2   - Generation
A   - Graft Id, Swarm, Emergency, or sUpercedure
01 - Queen Number

Search Queen ID
Information on the Site

The default records that display on the website are real-time records.

My goal is to keep accurate colony records while establishing and growing apiaries. A secondary goal is to provide colony history and queen information on my stock.

At some point when the software is more refined, I would like to make it available to other beekeepers.

Feel free to contact me with questions or feedback.
