Weather Observations

Date Location Weather Type Temperature Weather Note
09/09/20 17:55 Dayton Cloudy 80 Above normal heat for September, very smokey Edit | Delete
09/09/20 17:51 Dayton Cloudy 80 Smoke from wildfires, smoke blocking the sun Edit | Delete
08/19/20 19:17 Dayton Sunny 87 Constant 80+ weather Edit | Delete
07/11/20 16:16 Tualatin Sunny warm weather without heat waves Edit | Delete
07/08/20 08:23 Tualatin Sunny 77 cool evenings and warm days Edit | Delete
07/04/20 06:10 Dayton Sunny 72 Edit | Delete
06/28/20 02:50 Dayton Windy 70 Cool nights @ 49 and warm days @ 70+ Edit | Delete
06/27/20 04:36 Dayton Cloudy 71 Bees foraging Edit | Delete
06/26/20 03:20 Dayton Sunny 85 Flow seems to have stalled just a bit, blooms around still, rain due this week Edit | Delete
06/23/20 12:02 Dayton Sunny 80 high in the 90's Edit | Delete
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