Inspection Date Hive Location Hive Type
Greenback 1 Deep

Date Record Type Category Note
05/03/21 15:15 Weather Rainy Scattered Rain Showers 70 deg
05/03/21 15:19 Plants Honeysuckle (Bush) Flowers are no longer blooming
05/03/21 15:15 Feed Pollen Cake Mann Lake Ultra Bee - All Colonies
05/03/21 15:16 Bees Frames of Bees 5
05/03/21 15:16 Bees Frames of Brood 3
05/03/21 15:18 Note Swarming Added one Drawn comb in the middle of the brood nest to see if bees will prepare the comb for eggs
05/03/21 15:16 Note Swarming 4 new Swarm Cells, removed 5 day old swarm cell