Rating Types

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Colony Rating Calculation = (Sum of Ratings + Number of Rating Entries) / (Number of Rating Entries + 1)
Rating Type Description
Brood Pattern (1,2,3) Poor - 1, Average - 2, Excellent - 3 (Food Stores Around Brood) Edit
Health & Vigor (1,3,5) Poor - 1, Average - 3, Excellent - 5, (More Weight is Given to this Category) Edit
Honey Production (1,3,5) Poor - 1, Average - 3, Excellent - 5, (More Weight is Given to this Category) Edit
Overwintering (1,3,5) Poor - 1, Average - 3, Excellent - 5, (More Weight is Given to this Category) Edit
Temperament (1,2,3) Poor - 1, Average - 2, Excellent - 3 Edit