Date | Location | Hive |
Record Type |
Category | Note | |
06/22/24 20:46 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 40; D23 - 23LA-0000-0S01 Added Hive | E | |
06/22/24 20:06 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 39; D89 - 24KU-2A01-3D01 Added Hive | E | |
06/22/24 20:04 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 38; D16 - 24KU-3B05-4S01 Added Hive | E | |
06/22/24 20:04 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 37; D16 - 23DV-2S01-3A03 Marked Inactive | E | |
06/19/24 17:27 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 38; Q49 - 23KW-3U01-4F02 Marked Inactive | E | |
06/19/24 17:26 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 39; D96 - 24HW-0000-1S01 Added Hive | E | |
06/19/24 17:25 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 38; D58 - 24HX-0000-1S01 Added Hive | E | |
06/19/24 17:21 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 37; D80 - 23KU-1001-2T02 Marked Active | E | |
06/19/24 17:19 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 36; D80 - 23KU-1001-2T02 Marked Inactive | E | |
06/19/24 17:17 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 37; D90 - 24HY-0000-0S01 Added Hive | E | |
06/19/24 17:16 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 36; D14-TOP - 24GR-0S01-1E01 Added Hive | E | |
06/19/24 17:13 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 35; D99 - 24HZ-0000-1S01 Created | E | |
06/19/24 17:11 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 34; D57 - 24KW-4F04-5E01 Added Hive | E | |
06/19/24 17:11 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 33; D57 - 21BJ-1003-1S01 Marked Inactive | E | |
06/19/24 17:09 | Other | Note | Number of Hives | 34; D17 - 24BJ-1S01-2S01 Added Hive | E | |
04/22/23 19:14 | Louisville | Plants | Tulip Poplar Tree | In Bloom | E | |
04/22/23 19:14 | Greenback | Plants | Black Cherry (Wild) | In Bloom | E | |
02/24/23 21:32 | Greenback | Plants | Pear Trees (Wild) | In full bloom | E | |
02/21/23 21:04 | Greenback | Plants | Redbud | Buds appearing | E | |
02/21/23 20:49 | Greenback | Plants | Peach | In Bloom | E | |
02/17/23 21:09 | Greenback | Plants | Maple - Red | Maple started to bloom | E | |
01/26/23 12:45 | Greenback | Plants | Wild Onion | Has been in growing a couple weeks | E | |
01/26/23 12:40 | Greenback | Plants | Honeysuckle (Bush) | New buds | E | |
01/03/23 20:03 | Greenback | Plants | Misc. Plant | Bees are bringing in pollen and taking supplement | E | |
01/01/23 20:01 | Greenback | Plants | Dandelion | In bloom | E | |
09/13/22 13:09 | Greenback | Plants | Goldenrod | Started to bloom after rains | E | |
09/10/22 13:18 | Greenback | Plants | Ironweed | Has been in bloom | E | |
08/16/22 00:03 | Cherokee Forest | Plants | Goldenrod | In bloom | E | |
08/07/22 19:50 | Greenback South | D56 - 22KW-2S01-3U01 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Sat, 8/06/22 Starter Sun, 8/07/22 Graft Tue, 8/09/22 Finisher Fri, 8/12/22 Cells Capped Tue, 8/16/22 Incubator/Nuc Fri, 8/19/22 Hatched Wed, 8/31/22 Eggs Sun, 9/11/22 Cage |
E | I |
07/22/22 19:00 | Greenback | D54 - 22KW-2S01-3E01 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Thu, 7/21/22 Starter Fri, 7/22/22 Graft Sun, 7/24/22 Finisher Wed, 7/27/22 Cells Capped Sun, 7/31/22 Incubator/Nuc Wed, 8/03/22 Hatched Mon, 8/15/22 Eggs Fri, 8/26/22 Cage |
E | I |
07/21/22 19:00 | Greenback | D54 - 22KW-2S01-3E01 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Wed, 7/20/22 Starter Thu, 7/21/22 Graft Sat, 7/23/22 Finisher Tue, 7/26/22 Cells Capped Sat, 7/30/22 Incubator/Nuc Tue, 8/02/22 Hatched Sun, 8/14/22 Eggs Thu, 8/25/22 Cage |
E | I |
07/04/22 22:07 | Louisville | D5 - 20NW-0000-1001 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Sun, 7/03/22 Starter Mon, 7/04/22 Graft Wed, 7/06/22 Finisher Sat, 7/09/22 Cells Capped Wed, 7/13/22 Incubator/Nuc Sat, 7/16/22 Hatched Thu, 7/28/22 Eggs Mon, 8/08/22 Cage |
E | I |
07/04/22 22:07 | Greenback South | D56 - 22KW-2S01-3U01 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Sun, 7/03/22 Starter Mon, 7/04/22 Graft Wed, 7/06/22 Finisher Sat, 7/09/22 Cells Capped Wed, 7/13/22 Incubator/Nuc Sat, 7/16/22 Hatched Thu, 7/28/22 Eggs Mon, 8/08/22 Cage |
E | I |
06/21/22 14:56 | Greenback | Plants | Smooth Sumac | In bloom | E | |
06/08/22 00:46 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Tue, 6/07/22 Starter Wed, 6/08/22 Graft Fri, 6/10/22 Finisher Mon, 6/13/22 Cells Capped Fri, 6/17/22 Incubator/Nuc Mon, 6/20/22 Hatched Sat, 7/02/22 Eggs Wed, 7/13/22 Cage |
E | I |
05/24/22 18:57 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Mon, 5/23/22 Starter Tue, 5/24/22 Graft Thu, 5/26/22 Finisher Sun, 5/29/22 Cells Capped Thu, 6/02/22 Incubator/Nuc Sun, 6/05/22 Hatched Fri, 6/17/22 Eggs Tue, 6/28/22 Cage |
E | I |
05/24/22 18:53 | Greenback South | D10 - 21BI-0000-1002 | Note | Colony Loss | Failed Queen (Supersedure) | E | I |
05/23/22 07:06 | Greenback | N5 - 21RC-0000-1001 | Note | General Note | Queen might have been crushed. Emergency cells were in the hive. | E | I |
05/21/22 18:59 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Fri, 5/20/22 Starter Sat, 5/21/22 Graft Mon, 5/23/22 Finisher Thu, 5/26/22 Cells Capped Mon, 5/30/22 Incubator/Nuc Thu, 6/02/22 Hatched Tue, 6/14/22 Eggs Sat, 6/25/22 Cage |
E | I |
05/20/22 13:56 | Greenback | Plants | Privet | Privet in Bloom | E | |
05/17/22 22:47 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Note | Graft Calendar |
Mon, 5/16/22 Starter Tue, 5/17/22 Graft Thu, 5/19/22 Finisher Sun, 5/22/22 Cells Capped Thu, 5/26/22 Incubator/Nuc Sun, 5/29/22 Hatched Fri, 6/10/22 Eggs Tue, 6/21/22 Cage |
E | I |
05/01/22 01:19 | Cherokee Forest | D59-Top - 21RI-0000-1001 | Note | Hive Behaviour | Queen has not built up yet | E | I |
04/30/22 22:45 | Grey Ridge | D28 - 21KA-0000-1001 | Note | Colony Loss | Hive filled with bees, no eggs, merged with D27 | E | I |
04/30/22 01:34 | Cherokee Forest | D21 - 21KW-2S01-3B01 | Note | Colony Loss | Colony starved | E | I |
04/26/22 17:48 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Note | General Note | Very Healthy and Strong Hive | E | I |
04/26/22 15:43 | Greenback South | D57-BOT - 21SK-0000-1A01 | Rating | Temperament (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
04/26/22 15:39 | Cherokee Forest | D59-Top - 21RI-0000-1001 | Rating | Overwintering (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
04/26/22 15:36 | Greenback | N5 - 21RC-0000-1001 | Rating | Temperament (1,2,3) | 1 | E | I |
03/16/22 12:56 | Greenback | D59 - 21DV-0000-1001 | Rating | Overwintering (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
03/16/22 00:55 | Greenback | D59 - 21DV-0000-1001 | Rating | Brood Pattern (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
03/16/22 00:54 | Greenback | D57 - 21BJ-1003-1S01 | Rating | Overwintering (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
03/16/22 00:40 | Greenback | D58-BOT - 21KT-0000-1001 | Rating | Brood Pattern (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:17 | Greenback | D23-Bottom - 21KW-1001-2S01 | Rating | Brood Pattern (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:17 | Greenback | D23-Bottom - 21KW-1001-2S01 | Rating | Honey Production (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:16 | Greenback | D23-Bottom - 21KW-1001-2S01 | Rating | Temperament (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:14 | Greenback | D4-Top - 21SK-0000-1A02 | Rating | Brood Pattern (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:14 | Greenback | D4-Top - 21SK-0000-1A02 | Rating | Health & Vigor (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:14 | Greenback | D57-BOT - 21SK-0000-1A01 | Rating | Health & Vigor (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
11/08/21 21:13 | Greenback | D57-BOT - 21SK-0000-1A01 | Rating | Brood Pattern (1,2,3) | 3 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:02 | Greenback | D24 - 21KM-1002-2E01 | Weight | Weight | 40 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:01 | Greenback | D23-Bottom - 21KW-1001-2S01 | Weight | Weight | 41 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:01 | Greenback | D22 - 21KW-2S01-3B01 | Weight | Weight | 43 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:01 | Greenback | D7-BOT - 21KW-2S01-3B02 | Weight | Weight | 36.5 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:00 | Greenback | D20 - 21DV-0000-1001 | Weight | Weight | 40.5 | E | I |
10/12/21 13:00 | Greenback | D6-BOT - 21SL-0000-1001 | Weight | Weight | 38 | E | I |
10/12/21 12:59 | Greenback | D16-Top - 21RI-0000-1001 | Weight | Weight | 37 | E | I |
10/12/21 12:59 | Greenback | D15-Bottom - 21NW-1001-2W01 | Weight | Weight | 38.75 | E | I |
10/12/21 12:58 | Greenback | D14 - 21KR-0000-1001 | Weight | Weight | 44 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:20 | Greenback | D30-Bottom - 21KR-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 3 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:19 | Greenback | D30-Top - 21KN-1001-2E01 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 8 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:18 | Greenback | D24 - 21KM-1002-2E01 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 3.5 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:18 | Greenback | D28 - 21KA-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 7 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:17 | Greenback | D20 - 21DV-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 3.5 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:17 | Greenback | D14 - 21DS-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 1 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:16 | Greenback | D16-Bottom - 21BK-0000-1004 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 3 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:14 | Greenback | D12 - 21BJ-1003-2U01 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 4 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:13 | Greenback | D13 - 21BJ-1003-1S02 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 6.5 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:13 | Greenback | D23 - 20KM-0000-1002 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 7 | E | I |
09/24/21 15:10 | Greenback | D16-Top - 21RI-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 4 | E | I |
07/15/21 22:00 | Greenback | D9 - 21KW-1001-2S02 | Rating | Health & Vigor (1,3,5) | 5 | E | I |
05/20/21 23:41 | Greenback | N3 - 21KA-1001-0000 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 3 | E | I |
05/20/21 23:41 | Greenback | D53 - 23KU-1001-3ENN | Bees | Frames of Bees | 2 | E | I |
05/20/21 23:39 | Greenback | D23-Bottom - 21KW-1001-2S01 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 20 | E | I |
05/03/21 15:16 | Greenback | D6 - 21BH-1001-0000 | Bees | Frames of Bees | 5 | E | I |
04/30/21 13:46 | Dayton | D6 - 21BH-1001-0000 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 3 | E | I |
04/30/21 13:45 | Greenback | D16-Bottom - 21BK-0000-1004 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 3 | E | I |
03/19/21 22:27 | Greenback | Weather | Cloudy | 2 nights of cold weather 35 deg | E | |
03/16/21 17:08 | Greenback | O2 - 20KW-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 8 | E | I |
02/25/21 11:56 | Greenback | Feed | Light Syrup | 1/2 gallon each hive | E | |
02/21/21 12:27 | Grey Ridge | D5 - 20NW-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 1 | E | I |
02/21/21 12:27 | Grey Ridge | D1 - 19CR-1001-0000 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 0 | E | I |
02/20/21 15:12 | Greenback | Weather | Cloudy | Cold & Icy, warm next week 30 deg | E | |
10/14/20 20:49 | Dayton | Weather | Rainy | Rainy Weather has started a month late deg | E | |
10/11/20 20:51 | Dayton | D1 - 19CR-1001-0000 | Weight | Weight | 110 | E | I |
09/30/20 18:29 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | 1/2 cup supplement, 1 cup sugar each hive | E | |
09/30/20 18:29 | Dayton | Weather | Sunny | warm week w/o rain 81 deg | E | |
09/10/20 17:53 | Dayton | Weather | Cloudy | Wildfires creating smoke, ashes on bees in Salem 80 deg | E | |
09/09/20 17:55 | Dayton | Feed | Sugar Syrup | Added heavy syrup/sugar, Hive 1 added liquid syrup on 9/8/20 | E | |
09/09/20 17:55 | Dayton | Weather | Cloudy | Above normal heat for September, very smokey 80 deg | E | |
09/09/20 17:51 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | Fed all 5 hives | E | |
09/09/20 17:51 | Dayton | Weather | Cloudy | Smoke from wildfires, smoke blocking the sun 80 deg | E | |
08/28/20 17:07 | Dayton | Feed | Sugar Syrup | 1 gallon to each hive | E | |
08/19/20 19:17 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | All Hives, 1 lb+ | E | |
08/19/20 19:17 | Dayton | Weather | Sunny | Constant 80+ weather 87 deg | E | |
08/18/20 19:19 | Dayton | Feed | Sugar Syrup | 1:1 - 6 gallons All Hives | E | |
07/30/20 09:14 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | Fed all hives | E | |
07/30/20 09:14 | Tualatin | Feed | Pollen Cake | Fed all hives | E | |
07/11/20 16:16 | Tualatin | Feed | Pollen Cake | E | ||
07/11/20 16:16 | Tualatin | Weather | Sunny | warm weather without heat waves deg | E | |
07/11/20 16:15 | Tualatin | Feed | Sugar Syrup | 1 quart jars | E | |
07/08/20 08:23 | Tualatin | Weather | Sunny | cool evenings and warm days 77 deg | E | |
07/04/20 06:10 | Dayton | Weather | Sunny | 72 deg | E | |
06/28/20 02:50 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | Fed hives before/after splits | E | |
06/28/20 02:50 | Dayton | Weather | Windy | Cool nights @ 49 and warm days @ 70+ 70 deg | E | |
06/27/20 04:36 | Dayton | Weather | Cloudy | Bees foraging 71 deg | E | |
06/26/20 03:20 | Dayton | Weather | Sunny | Flow seems to have stalled just a bit, blooms around still, rain due this week 85 deg | E | |
06/23/20 12:05 | Dayton | D23 - 20KM-0000-1002 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 5 | E | I |
06/23/20 12:02 | Dayton | Weather | Sunny | high in the 90's 80 deg | E | |
06/20/20 13:24 | Dayton | D1 - 19CR-1001-0000 | Weight | Weight | 45 | E | I |
06/20/20 13:24 | Dayton | Feed | Pollen Cake | Entire Apiary | E | |
06/18/20 19:15 | Dayton | O2 - 20KW-0000-1001 | Bees | Frames of Brood | 3 | E | I |
06/14/20 18:09 | Dayton | D5 - 20CR-1.1 | Feed | Pollen Cake | E | I | |
06/14/20 12:02 | Dayton | O2 - 20KW-0000-1001 | Feed | Light Syrup | 1 gallon in-line feeder | E | I |