Pests and Diseases
Date | Hive Id | Queen Id | Pests & Disease | Pests & Disease Note | Location | Hive Type | |
03/16/22 00:46 | D19 | 21TC-0000-1001 | Chalkbrood | Chaulkbrood in hive on 3/15/22 | Greenback | 1 Deep | Edit | Delete |
02/25/21 11:14 | D2 | 20KW-1 | Pesticide/Insecticide Poisoning | Several Bees with clear crystals on their bodies were dead on the landing board with their tongues out | Greenback | Nuc w/Feeder | Edit | Delete |
06/22/20 11:47 | D1 | CR-A P1 | Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) | Sample Pest & Disease & Note | Dayton | 2 Deep | Edit | Delete |
06/20/20 13:24 | D1 | CR-A P1 | Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) | test 5 | Dayton | 2 Deep | Edit | Delete |